Category: Windows XP

Yes. I created it. The program if executed correctly, would change all the windows asscoications to the textfile. In simple words, if you will try to open command prompt, or your computer, everything would be treated as the text file and hence would be opened with Notepad. Since, I have coded the program in such a way that it changes all the known extensions to the computer to the text file, even registry editor, system restore (they all are exes, aren’t they?). I have not found a way to restore the system in the inital condition. Hence. I named the program as Curse of Paralysis. I would recommend you to run this program in a Virtual Machine. It all started with my task at Continue reading

It all started when I had to give a presentation over Operating System Security. I had decided to give some demonstrations too. It was one of them. Though I won’t say that it was some kind of hacking because seriously I do not believe and term registry editing as hacking. Yes. Windows stores all of the settings in the Windows Registry as a database of settings.  So, basically, you just need the right key and obviously a tool to edit/create/modify these settings and BANG, you computer can be in serious trouble. So here is the program. Continue reading

In my previous post I told U how to hide the folder options from Control Panel, This time I am here to tell U how to block the folder options from being accessed from control panel. I will tell U this without any use of registry editing. Continue reading

Is your mouse it not working, then U can Use Your Key Board’s NumKey pad  as an alternative to your mouse. Here is how U can do it Continue reading