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In my previous post, I told how to install Idea Net Setter Software on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If you dont have the unlocked Idea Modem, there is no need to go through this post as the software would never allow you to change the connection settings, and you dont need to change them unless you unlock Idea Modem and put  a SIM card other than Idea. Well, I unlocked my modem via flashing. Now, I am the owner of unlocked Idea Net Setter. In this post, I will describe how to edit the connection profile as there is no other software available for you in Linux like Mobile Partner.  View full article »

After the death of my dearest Micromax Modem, I had to go out to buy another modem. I picked up Idea Net Setter E1732. Well, It wasn’t unlocked, I had to unlock it ( It took lot more courage than I had expected). After unlocking, I tried to install this software in the Red Hat. Normal procedure when one tries to connect to internet via a USB modem, is to let the modem manager identify your inserted CD Drive as an modem. But in my case, The modem was not being recognized as one. Even company had provided me the software that would run on a Linux System, Modem was not being recognized  I tried to do everything manually, and guess what.  I succeeded in installing it, and that’s why I am here to share the tale. View full article »

Well, my best friend was shortlisted for Microsoft Recruitment Test via Amcat. He is very good in academics and is currently dwelling deep into android world. Well, we are still expecting a positive result. In the test, he was given two programs, one of which was a pattern, and, other was to insert an element into an sorted circular list. Well, For many days, it was in my mind to make this program, so I finally set out to make it. Here it is. In the program I have assumed that the list may or may not be sorted, so I had to sort the list by my own in the first place.

I am using eclipse Juno and MinGW compiler at the core, and I do not know why it is facing some problem in executing printf and scanf statements in the sequential order. The assumed soltuion is to add a “fflush(stdout);” statement next to printf statement. The statement does what it looks to do, it flushes the output stream buffer. If you are going to use some other compiler/IDE, I think you wont be needing that statement. Well, here is the program. View full article »

Yes. I created it. The program if executed correctly, would change all the windows asscoications to the textfile. In simple words, if you will try to open command prompt, or your computer, everything would be treated as the text file and hence would be opened with Notepad. Since, I have coded the program in such a way that it changes all the known extensions to the computer to the text file, even registry editor, system restore (they all are exes, aren’t they?). I have not found a way to restore the system in the inital condition. Hence. I named the program as Curse of Paralysis. I would recommend you to run this program in a Virtual Machine. It all started with my task at View full article »